
The year is 480 B.C.E. The place, Thermopylae. Across the narrow pass stands the thousands-strong Persian army, ready to bring Greece to her knees. With you stand seven thousand Lacedaemonians, Mantineans, Tegeans, Thespians, Phocians, Locrians and others - Greeks all, ready to stand against the menace invading their shores. News has also reached you that the main Spartan army is on its way: all you have to do is hold off the Persians as long as possible.

The Forces

The Greeks have 45 ranks of hoplite infantry. Six of those ranks are Spartans, and have the following special rule:

Spartan Courage: Spartans are not pushed back when they take casualties.

The Persians have 60 ranks of infantry and archers, including five ranks of Immortals, who have the following special rule:

Constant Strength: If the Immortals do not lose a full rank by the end of combat, replace the lost models at the back of the unit.


Play the game on a 6' x 4' board. Deploy the Greeks up to half the table's width forward of their board edge, with a wall placed halfway into their deployment zone. Any units immediately behind the wall get +1 Push when being charged by units beyond the wall.

Deploy the Persians up to 12" forward of their board edge.

The game is played for six turns.

Victory Conditions

The Greeks score a major victory if there are still Greek units on the field and Leonidas is still alive by the end of the sixth turn.

The Greeks score a minor victory if there are still Greek units on the field by the end of the sixth turn.

The Persians score a victory if there are no Greek units left on the field by the end of the sixth turn.

If you'd like this scenario as a PDF, you can find it here.